Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Corporation RiTdisplay, representing the division Ritek Group, has reportedly officially signed contracts for the supply of some manufacturers of smartphones the world's first AMOLED display, equipped with the connection fee based on amorphous silicon. Note that previously this technology was used in LCD panels. It is reported that 3.5-inch AMOLED panel, created by a similar technique in collaboration with Ignis Innovation, was introduced last month in the SID Display Week, where she showed images with a resolution of 320 x 480 pixels. And now, as we see, and it came to mass production of such decisions. According to statements RiTdisplay, AMOLED displays based on amorphous silicon are relatively inexpensive to produce and can potentially be a very effective alternative to his "brothers" with connection fee based on the low-temperature polysilicon technology (LTPS). True, some manufacturers of smart phones will make use of a-Si AMOLED displays, and when we might see them into commercial products, not reported.

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