Tuesday, June 7, 2011


In an interview AllThingsD CEO of France Telecom (owner operator Orange) Stephane Richard referred to the new smartphone Apple. According to Richard, Orange is working with Apple on the SIM card is even more compact size. Thanks to its use, the new device the iPhone will be smaller and thinner. It is assumed that it was a model already this year, not next, that is, the application of new SIM cards (much less than that used in the iPhone 4 Micro-SIM) will be seen this fall. However, other evidence suggests that changes in the fifth-generation iPhone will be minimal, so it's possible that new miniature SIM cards will be used in the next update smartphone - in 2012. Or are they designed for the so-called iPhone nano, rumors of which appeared previously. Richard also noted that the Orange was able to negotiate with Apple, that she did not use the iPhone's built-in SIM card, although such an idea she had arisen. Naturally, the operator is not profitable, but so far failed to reach a compromise and settle on miniature SIM cards.

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