Thursday, June 9, 2011


So Im sitting here today typing to you with frozen veggies on my neck & shoulder and frozen fruit on my back.  Why, you ask?  
Well it all started with this great idea my sister & I had.  She had asked me to help her redecorate her master bedroom.  She liked the stripes that I had done in my dining room and wanted them on the focal wall of her bedroom. 

So as I was taping my little heart out from the top of the ladder (and I will admit here that I was NOT standing on it properly) I went to move and the ladder went one way and I went the other.  1st banging my head against the wall, the crumpling up and slowly sliding down the wall as the ladder pulled my feet out from under me.  I ended up on my side landing on top of the ladder.  I broke the pencil I was holding and bent the ladder.  

And of course as soon as it was over and my sister made sure I was alive- we both "tweeted" about the incident.  We are dorks!

So after my visit to my chiropractor today- I have a rib out of place and lots & lots of bruising.  BUT the good news is- her walls look awesome!! and I cant wait to show you the after shots!

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