Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Sunday was a  nothing doing, doing nothing day.  Janet and Steve would be proud of me.  After a morning spent cleaning and doing laundry,  I stopped.  Doing.  Anything.

I read outside at the table, ignoring the weeds and the unshaven lawn.  I drank fresh lemonade and read some more.  I came inside, flopped down on the couch next to the sleeping dog, and kept reading. Then I made some espresso, iced it up with milk, went back to the garden and finished my book.  Maybe there was a nap....

GG is studying.  She has three days of finals starting Monday, Then she graduates on Thursday. ( picture me jumping up and down here)

We are conserving our energy.  GG's father hits town this week, trailing in his wake: loaves of bread, sausages, salmon he smoked himself, bottles of red wine, miles of camera paraphernalia, and what ever new music he had discovered.  The joint will be jumping and as always we will disappoint him by going to bed just about the time he wants to go out and dance. He is much younger than we are.

We'll have dinner en famille on Thursday, then a party for friends and family on Saturday night.

This is going to be a very good week.  Stay tuned.

xo Jane

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