Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Book Signing...

I had an incredible weekend touring the Trade Secrets sale and touring the garden but I promised you a book signing, right? Johnnycake Books sponsored the book signing. Check out who I met!

Matthew Patrick Smyth, Annie Kelly, and Tim Street-Porter. I introduced myself and Annie Kelly said she read my blog! Exciting moment.

It was exciting to meet some amazing designers who gave up their time for a fun book signing! I'm really enjoying my Annie Kelly book, Litchfield Style which has some of the most beautiful interiors around. I was bummed not to have see Carolyn Roehm or Florence de Dampierre but what are you going to do?

I'll update you on the garden tours tomorrow because I'm EXHAUSTED! I had a gardenny weekend, spent time with my little sister (and my parents and fiance), and am now back in NYC, relaxing.

Alicia B.

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