Friday, May 20, 2011

Visit beautiful Cooma - Become a morning person


Kevin follows my blog, leaves valuable comments, and the other day I actually met him.
Blogs exisit to show that no matter how unique you thought you were, there are all these replicas of you out there. 
This fellow has no T.V. Catholics in the family, cooks Japanese at home.  But most amazing of all, he also worked as a Japanese translator.

Imagine being blessed with a brand-new brother your own age.  That doesn't happen every day.

He said I could visit him in the Snowy Mountains, and warned that it was a monk-like life, kind of indoor camping. 
Just what I was in the mood for. 

So here begins my visit to Cooma.

Walking down the main street, I heard for the first time the clatter and whirr made by the autumn leaves falling from poplars. When you fall free from a tall, skinny tree, you just hit everything on your long long way down, and its the funniest thing. 


But they regret it in the morning.

That is something else I got from Cooma - mornings.

Kevin used to have trouble putting his daughters to bed at night. Most parents do. But being a gentle problem solver, he came up with this Permaculture solution - just go to bed close to sunset yourself, and the kids will be too bored, too lonely to stay up. He would then wake super-early, doing hours of translation and writing till the girls emerged wanting breakfast.   "The problem is the solution'.

So I tried it out  too. Mornings are like an underwater world, silent and purposeful.  So we did quiet yoga and writing and lighting the fire and a wonderland drive though rock-scaped bush to his day job. Then I got dropped off at my writing garret in the town.  Its a full day of fun, before anyone else's day has begun.

God's Grafiti
Nature is perplexing,  the way these frost crystals decide to arrange themselves, do a follow-the-leader. What are they thinking? Why that arrangement, and no other?
There is probably a whole Psychology of Frost that we know nothing about.

The 'day house', with no distractions from my writing project. Soon I will help him move in.

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