Thursday, May 12, 2011

Travel Treasures: Amanda from {re}cycled consign and design

Our next guest writes from beautiful southern Utah, {where I seem to have left part of my heart} and while I haven't yet had the chance to visit Amanda's shop, I can't wait {!!} because I know it just has to be stocked to the brim with treasures to gawk and drool over.  Just from the style oozing out of her blog, you know this girl has a true talent for finding the beauty in something others might miss.

Hey everyone I am Amanda from {re}cycled consign and design, I am so excited to be part of Jenna's guest post's while she is out! Her blog is so much fun and she is so adorably cute I could never pass up the opportunity to hang out over here! She asked me to share my favorite treasures I have found from some of my travels.

One of the best things to do while traveling is to check out some of the favorite spots from the locals {they live there so they know best}. I adore thrift shopping and vintage finds so I always ask about those is a close second! I picked up this vintage broach at a flea market in San Clemente California, I wear it a lot but when it's not in use it is displayed on my decorative towels by my bathtub. I see it everyday and wish it was time to pack up and head to the beach house :)
Now this one is really a gem...I came across these rolls of vintage wallpaper in a consignment shop{like mine} in Orange County Cali. I just knew they were exactly what I wanted to design my front room around. I had them framed and they were instant art. I adore the navy color and raised velvet texture.
I adore this picture of my hubster and me at one of our favorite restaurants at the pier in Cali. we can eat buckets full of clams and listen to the waves break on the shore. It truly is one of the places that I am the most happy, the beach is part of my soul!
I hope everyone has a few items in their home that means something dear to don't have to travel far to have memories that you would never trade!
I am planning a trip to Italy in June and will be sure to bring back a few more treasures I adore.

Thanks Jenna for having me, you are a real gem. Big kisses to you and all your dear followers!

Thank you, Amanda!  
I agree with you, memories can be made anywhere and are especially special when made with those we love.

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