Monday, May 16, 2011

Photo Shoot

I had the honor a few weeks ago to help design a "mock" wedding reception photo shoot with Christa Elyse Photography.  It was so much fun working outdoors and with lots of fresh flowers- a fun departure from decorating interiors.  We choose a simple location that had some great old oak trees and a wonderful barn-like structure that was actually an entrance to a neighborhood.  It was so funny to have all the cars stopping and asking us if we were having a wedding.  One little man stopped and asked us if we were selling flowers for Mothers Day!  
And you should have seen me standing on top of the table trying to hoist the chandelier over the tree limb!! We forgot rope to hang it from so we had to think on the fly and just used the electrical wiring and some zip ties to secure it.

To see more pictures from the shoot visit Wedding Chicks
It makes me almost want to have another wedding! (with the same groom of course!! LOL)

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