Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Im painting....again

I swore to myself I would NEVER EVER paint this room again.  Well here I am almost exactly 2 years later with paint roller in hand. My living room is a 2-story room with lots of windows.  Its great for being big, light & bright. But for painting-its a pain in the pa-tootey. To have a professional paint it for me its $1,000.  Do you know how much damage I could do at HomeGoods with $1,000. (not that I could or would-but still).
The current wall color is SW Ivoire- its a beautiful color-except in my room its too yellow.  

The new color I chose is Restoration Hardware's -Stone.  Its a nice blend of gray & beige.  So hopefully I will have photos to show by the end of the week- AFTER I've visited the Chiropractor from straining my neck to reach the tall walls.  I view painting this room kinda like giving birth---you forget the pain after a while and want to do it again.  oh-vey!

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