Wednesday, May 11, 2011

6 Simple Steps to Get Your Home Ready to Sell

By: RE/MAX Complete

We have all heard the saying:

First Impressions Make a Lasting Impression

By Mary Crotty

Making a GOOD first impression when selling your Home needs to be our first priority.   

So how can we make a great first impression and get serious offers to buy your house instead of all those lookers that come but never buy?

Here are 6 simple steps to get your house ready to sell:
The outside of your house is where the buyer gets its first impression.   So what are some things we can do to spruce up our front yard?

A fresh coat of paint & a nice wreath on your front door goes a long way
Bring your house to life with colorful & fresh greenery and flowers
Add character and dimension to your home

In a previous post we talked about our yards.   A well-watered and mowed yard goes a long way as far as curb appeal.  Take the time to tidy up your yards:  trim back overgrowth, plant fresh flowers, edge the lawns, put away all the kids toys.   

There is nothing worse than a cluttered home.   The first impression a cluttered home gives, is there isn't enough space.   Remove all personalized objects:   pictures, collectibles, excess furniture, overstuffed closets.   You want your home to look like a model home as much as possible, but still live in it!

You can find some great tips here

How does your home smell?   Does it smell dirty?   Do you have pets?    It's time to get down and dirty and do some deep cleaning.  

  • Shampoo your carpets
  • Clean your drapes
  • Empty the trash
  • Give those PETS a bathe!.
Diva Spot has some great advise:   13 things to make your home smell good here
Buyers expect everything in their new home to operate safely and properly.    Some of the things that need to be fixed before putting your House up for sale are:

  • Leaky faucets
  • Burned-out light bulbs
  • Painted-shut or broken windows
  • Broken Appliances
  • Holes in walls, carpets, etc..
Bring your home to LIFE.    If you ever wanted to take up BAKING, this is the time to do it!   Nothing feels more like home than something sweet cooking.   Take the time to make a batch of cookies, an apple pie, or fresh homemade bread.   The sweet smells makes you feel relaxed and cozy.

Set the mood:   Put a log in the fireplace, turn all your lights and lamps on.   Make your home shine!   Set your dining room table, put out your nicest towels in the bathroom and make sure your beds are made.   
Its time to have another set of eyes!   Have someone you know that will be critical of your home.    You need another set of eyes.   We all LOVE our home and we see our home through rose colored glasses.   Get a new prospective.

Are you ready to sell your home?    Contact us -- we would love to help you!

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