To my surprise I'm having a staycation. What happened to the beach you wonder, or the mountains I was idly thinking about.
Let's start with sick dog and BIG vet bills. But she's worth every dollar we think and is feeling so much better she's up for jogging (with GG, I'm no jogger) and chasing after squirrels. She's off to the vet now for her check up and yearly shots, so add another big bill. Plus the other beach we visit doesn't allow dogs and you can't ask anyone, even a sister, to take care of a sick puppy.
So, we're home doing as little as possible. I wonder why it feels fine to lay around the beach all day reading and napping but at home you keep feeling like you should be doing something? We need a screened-in porch (you're allowed to do nothing on a screened-in porch).
The heat and humidity have returned with a bang so working in the garden is out. I have a few new plants to put in and several I'd like to see go but after an hour outside this morning I gave up and fled inside to a cool house. I did get a few shots of what's blooming, too bad I didn't take any of our vegetable garden. It looks like a field hospital circa World War 1.
Still the crepe myrtle is glowing (how far north does this grow? does it grow in Europe?) the limelight hydrangea is full and green, and the agastache stands tall through it all. And the pesky allium are blooming away as if they are a welcome garden guest.
I guess any plant, minus the bindweed, is welcome in August.
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