So sorry for the neglect!
We had an extremely busy weekend. Adelaide Friday to babysit my very good friend Sally's two boys, Sam and Will while she was in her sisters wedding. Also did a quick bit of web training for my new site with the great guys Jason and Jamie from Argon Design who have been working flat out on my site for the past month, back to the YP Saturday for the Meet a Mate In Maitland Ball with my long time friend Binks (and way too much champagne), Sunday down to Black Point for my Father In Laws 60th, back to Adelaide for a day trip Monday to pick up the boys! No wonder I am losing my voice.
Have been on the computer ever since working my new site which will go live on Friday!!!!
So here finally are the pictures of my new buttoned linen ottoman and kitchen chairs.
I have rearranged the formal lounge room, also note the painted wine rack (restocked) and I think my ottoman looks perfect in there! The kitchen chairs are divine, I love their french grey colour and oh so comfortable too!
Oh and the Fench style chair in the last pic is meant to be for the shop, I ordered it in as it was so well priced, but it looks so good in my house that I might have to get another one in! (not too sure if Paul will agree to that!)
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