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This post is for anyone who dreams of one day starting their own business.
About five years ago I started a correspondence course in interior design. I have always loved houses and gardens and thought it may be a bit of fun. Not long after I started I fell pregnant with my eldest son, Oliver so the course was put on hold.
At the end of last year I finally decided to open the books again and finish what I had started, I had already paid for it so why not!
The final assignment was a rather large one and involved designing a retail space. It was as I was walking past our shed (looking as it was in the last picture above) that the idea of a little store run from both our farm and online came to mind.
When my gorgeous husband arrived home that afternoon I couldn't wait to tell him what I had come up with, but was a little apprehensive as to what he would say. To my surprise he was incredibly supportive and excited!
Over a coffee at Cibo I relayed my idea next to my incredibly talented best friend and marketing guru, Katie of Biskate Marketing who got me working full steam ahead on my business plan, registering for an ABN and business name. Katie helped me immensely with my website, logo, business cards and many, many other things I would not have even thought of! I owe a huge amount of the success and professionalism of the business to her. It took some months for it all to come together and hours and hours of research.
In February this year The White Shed was launched with over 100 locals from all over the Peninsula and a few of my lovely friends from Adelaide attending the opening night. Big thanks to my husband Paul, mum Madelyn, sister in law Jo and mother in law Jill for their help on the night it was a huge success but so exhausting! Jo is due with baby number 3 in October and blames the launch night for this conception!! Might have been the bottle of Moet!
Since the launch my shop opens once a week and by appointment and has had a steady flow of clients visit both local and from afar.
In June this year The White Shed and our house were profiled in Australian Country Collections Magazine. We even made the front cover! Orders and enquiries started coming from all over the country and I decided it was time to go full steam ahead with the online store.
This was launched on the 13th August. I still have a LOT to learn about the site but I am getting there and I am enjoying evey minute. Yesterday I received a fantastic email from an online customer telling me how much she loved her purchases. That makes me happy!
This is the story of The White Shed so far. I am so excited to see where it takes me!
So to anyone who has ever dreamed of starting their own business I say "go for it and dont't look back, the possibilities are endless"!
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