Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sunlight With Clematis

Good morning. My head seems to be full of Beatles songs today. The initial good morning I wrote was accompanied in my head with 2 more good mornings and a yeah. Here Comes The Sun is next on my hit list. Our first sun since Sunday ( this sounds like a sad song). Days of rain have done wonders for the freshly planted vegetables and seeds, if not my psyche. The lawn is laden with clover, a good thing according to the new issue of Horticulture magazine. And the weeds? Plentiful! Aren't I always weeding?

The clematis is back and beautiful and clambering up the crape myrtle as intended. Though this happens every spring, it always seems miraculous to me with its big blossoms, the smooth tree bark and full buds yet to open.

It's 8:00 am and at this rate it will be a miracle if I get to work by 9:00, sitting here with wet hair in my pajamas, but I had to take a moment to share. Hope you are enjoy a warm, sunny day full of grace moments.

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