Another bit of Flickring today... and we found these images and just had to share them. Its so lovely to se other peoples images of our products! Thank you!
Said a blade of grass to an autumn leaf, " You make such a noise falling! You scatter all my winter dreams."
Said the leaf indignant," Low- born and low- dwelling! Songless, and peevish thing! You live not in the upper air and cannot tell the song of singing."
Then the autumn leaf lay down upon the earth and slept. And when the spring came she waked again -- and she was a blade of grass.
And when it was autumn and her winter sleep was upon her, and above her through all the air the leaves were falling, she muttered to herself, " Oh these autumn leaves! They make such a noise! They scatter all my winter dreams."
Happy Decoration day / Memorial Day! Don't forget to remember your passed loved ones and those who have so bravely fought for our freedoms. I decided last minute to stay in town and because of the hot weather have been nesting. Lilies from the Dupont farmers market.
Modern dining room tables, for example, will highlight mere lines These are the traditional ways that dining furniture may come but in the modern setting, things could be quite different. For example, you can find furniture with unusually shaped legs, bases or tabletops with artistic etched designs. Some dining furniture come with elaborate engravings or etchings in them. Typically, a dining table would usually be weighty especially in the base or leg part, thus, making the whole dining set quite bulky.
While this is not absolute, this is how things go for the most part in the modern furniture industry. These days, dining furniture can go to extremes of either plain black or plain white. Classic furniture would usually emphasize the grain of the wood which is finished with medium to dark shades. There have been some major changes even in the treatment of wood, along with the finishing and the resulting textures. Comparing traditional and modern dining sets will lead one to discover that the differences don’t only lie in design.
This is where great home memories are built and when it comes to making these memories more special, you can count on fine dining furniture. There’s probably no other place in the home where you could get everyone to share the day’s events, crack jokes and make life just sweeter for having all these special people around. The traditions and values we’ve held on through the years couldn’t come move alive than in the dining room where the whole family gathers for some nice food and great conversations.
One day last week we had an early midsummer lunch. Potatoes boiled in salt and dill, pickeld herring and sourcream with chives. Not to forget the schnapps of course!
Well I have been toying with the idea blogging since starting my business and finally I have done it! After recently making over a few pieces of furniture and being amazed at what you can do with a can of paint, I wanted somewhere and someone to share it with! So here I am and here are some pics of my beautiful black (yes black) dining table and dresser. I am quite sure that some people were horrified when I first told them of my idea, but I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome!
When I decided to walk down to the park this afternoon I hadn't set out to do anything special for the holiday tomorrow although the significance of the day has been on my mind. Just wanting to be outside I didn't think about Memory Grove being the perfect place to enjoy part of the holiday weekend. It was nice to stop and read the different plaques around the park.
I was half way out the door when I thought to grab my bag and take my paints with me. I'm glad I did because I found the perfect patch of sunlight to lay down in and play. I like the first parts of a painting. Laying it out, putting down some washes, I like the feeling that something is about to happen. And then it does and I don't care for it much. Maybe one of these days I'll finish something and be satisfied with it...that day feels a long way off.
Fresh and minimalist is a impression if you look this living room interior. Some people like a fresh home decoration , so they can fell happy in the house. Ussually people will make a minimalist and fress decoration so that their families far from the nest of disease. how about you ?? i think you will do too :
the Beauy Flap storage unit is a great piece of furniture that seems like floating and hides all the mess behind its nifty flap. For those who are a little bit messy this storage unit can save a lot of work when somebody want to come at you quickly, just close the flap, and nobody will know that you are messy.
Boleh dibilang wajah aku nggak jelek amat, dan dalam hal pergaulan sehari-hari banyak gadis yang berusaha menarik perhatian aku, dan sebaliknya memang kadang ada cewek yang menarik buat aku dan jadilah kami berhubungan alias pacaran gitu. Namun seakan menjadi sebuah kutukan, tidak ada pacar aku yang bisa bertahan lama.
Meski aku agak sableng dalam kehidupan sehari-hari namun masalah wanita aku selalu serius dan menghormati mereka, setiap menjalin hubungan maka aku akan mengajak gadis itu datang kerumah aku, karena aku nggak suka backstreet (aduh sok tua nih) tapi apa daya sehabis berkunjung ke rumah aku pasti sang cewek mundur teratur, bukan karena rumah aku yang memang nggak menteren, tetapi karena melihat kakak aku, Kirana.
Kirana kakak kedua aku seorang gadis berumur 21 tahun sebenarnya ia cantik, dan sewaktu lahir sampai balita ia normal, namun saat berumur 6 tahun ia pernah mengalami kecelakaan tertabrak motor dan kepalanya terbentur keras, ia mengalami trauma benturan di otaknya, untung masih bisa selamat, namun sekarang ia memiliki kelainan yaitu tidak fokus dengan sesuatu, meski ia masih mengerti dan bisa menjawab pertanyaan kita namun jawabannya pasti ditambah kata-kata lain yang tidak berhubungan atau bahkan ia berbicara sesuatu yang nggak pernah terjadi, yah ia sering berbohong atau ngelantur dan parahnya setiap ada pembicaraan pasti selalu pingin ikutan gabung.
Ya demikianlah yang terjadi pada aku, setiap pacar aku berkunjung ke rumah pasti deh Kirana ikutan gabung dan ngoceh nggak karuan dan akhirnya dari pembicaraaan itu sang gadis pasti tahu bahwa Kirana punya kelainan dan di perjalanan pulang pasti nanya "Brian gadis yang tadi kakakmu ya" biasanya aku jawab "ia, emangnya kenapa". Dan Setelah pulang ke rumah sang gadis pasti nelpon "kita putus, Brian".
Yang demikianlah yang terjadi berulangkali padaku, Ria, Lina, Andin, Mita semuanya meninggalkan aku setelah melihat Kirana. Sebenarnya bisa saja aku berpacaran dengan ketemuan di luar aja atau pergi ke tempat-tempat lain, tapi aku pikir pacaran seperti itu untuk anak sekolahan dan aku udah 2 tahun tamat SMK meski belum dewasa amat tapi aku belajar untuk menjalin hubungan secara serius dengan seseorang.
6 bulan yang lalu aku kenalan dengan Nitha gadis yang begitu sempurna dimataku, cantik, ramah dan pengertian, aku begitu menyukainya dan ketika ia ingin berkunjung ke rumah, aku persiapkan semuanya , aku pesan sama Rosha istri Bang Munir ardi "tolong ya kak, Kirana di karantina dulu jangan di biarkan berkeliaran atau kalau bisa di bawa aja ke rumah mertua kakak". Setelah Rosha menyanggupi barulah hati saya bisa tenang.
Nitha datang tepat jam 7 malam , kebetulan ibu duduk di teras depan jadi langsung dipersilahkan masuk. Aku sudah menunggu dengan Harajuku Style sambil sesekali ngelirik kedalam mudah-mudahan Kirana betulan nggak ada. Nitha datang dengan membawa buku , dalam hati aku ngumpat wah ini pacaran apa belajar kelompok sih. "Brian tolong dong, Bantu menyelesaikan PR TIK ini, kamu kan jago di bidang IT". "Oh PR TIK toh , iya deh aku bantu tapi cuma ngarahkan aja ya sisanya tetap kamu yang harus kerjakan".
Ketika Kami sedang asyik bekerja , tiba-tiba entah nyelonong darimana Kirana datang bahkan dengan minuman di tangan, aduh kepala aku rasanya mau pecah nih , langsung pusing tujuh keliling. " Ayo di minum dek". Aduh ia mulai berbicara pasti deh disambung dengan kata-kata lain. "Pacar baru ya dek, cantik ya, nggak seperti yang kemarin-kemarin, wah rajin lagi sampai bawa buku segala, eh iya namanya siapa kok nggak dikenalin sama kakak, nama saya Kirana, yang awet ya jangan sampai seperti 7 orang yang yang dulu-dulu paling cuma seminggu putus lagi", Aduh mak mulai deh kata-katanya bagaikan senapan mesin memberondong, dan yang terakhir itu ampun deh emangnya aku ini playboy bisa-bisa Nitha minta putus juga nih, aku segera bertindak, aku tarik tangannya masuk ke dapur , "kakak di sini saja ya, eh atau main tuh ama Najwa di kamar , rupanya Bang Munir Ardi lagi keluar nih ama Kak rosha pantas deh lupa ama tanggung jawabnya menjaga Kirana. Untunglah bujukan aku berhasil , Ia segera kekamar Najwa Anak Bang Munir ardi dan nonton bareng disana.
Aku segera ke depan tapi Nitha kelihatannya sudah hilang moodnya, semua bukunya udah dimasukkan ke tas dan wajahnya kelihatan aneh. "kak yang tadi itu kakak nya, aduh kok bisa nyerocos gitu ya , apa punya kelainan kak". aduh gimana nih mau jujur takut putus lagi, kalau bohong wah dosa deh. "anu, Nit yang tadi itu gadis tetangga, tuh rumahnya yang sebelah barat rumah ini".nampaknya Nitha nggak percaya, ia segera permisi pulang. Dan Benar aja 15 menit kemudian Nitha nelpon dan minta putus alasannya karena ternyata aku playboy sering gonta-ganti cewek , aku coba jelaskan masalahnya namun ia terlanjur menutup telepon, rasanya bumi seperti berputar, ini gara-gara Kirana , sejak saat itu aku benci dan muak lihat wajahnya.
Satu bulan berlalu dan aku tidak berani lagi menjalin hubungan dengan seorang gadis takut kecewa lagi tapi satu hal yang tetap bertahan aku benci banget kak Kirana, bahkan aku rasanya ingin dia menghilang dari dunia ini, kalau ada temen yang nanya dia itu siapa aku bilang aja tetangga atau pembantu aku pokoknya benci banget.
3 Bulan yang lalu kehidupan kami berubah ketika ayah akhirnya meninggal dunia, mau tak mau ibu harus bekerja menghidupi 3 orang anaknya yang belum bekerja termasuk aku, meski Bang Munir ardi membantu perekonomian keluarga kami namun sekedar membantu. Akhirnya ibu harus berjualan kue , berbagai macam kue, nagasari, bakwan dan pastel. Suatu hari ibu dengan sedih ngomong padaku “ nak mungkin cita-cita kamu untuk jadi polisi bakal nggak kesampaian, sekarang hidup kita susah, untuk biaya tiket ke Kendari rumah tante kamu saja susah , apalagi biaya lainnya, uang tabungan ibu pun sudah habis untuk biaya berobat ayahmu dulu. “Tidak apa bu’ saya akan coba cari kerja dulu setelah itu kita lihat bagaimana kelanjutannya. Tiba-tiba Kirana datang dan langsung menimpali “jangan khawatir dek, kamu belajar yang rajin aja, olahraga yang teratur ,saya akan bantu ibu untuk berjualan kebetulan saya tahu warung yang bisa dititipi kue dagangan kita”. Tumben kali ini omongannya benar.
Dan ternyata Kirana tidak berbohong saat aku masih tertidur pulas ia sudah bangun, rata-rata jam 3.00 subuh ibu dan Kirana sudah bangun , ia menggiling adonan sedang ibu menggoreng kuenya sampai jam 5.00 dan setelah pagi maka Kirana akan mengantarkan kue-kue itu ke warung-warung di sekitar kampung dan sore hari ia sendiri datang menjemput semua uang hasil penjualan kue itu, jika ia datang dengan uang banyak senang rasanya, tapi kalau penjualan lagi lesu, lesu pula hatiku . Demikianlah terus berjalan selama dua bulan lebih, meski ngelanturnya masih tetap dan suka ngomong sembarangan, tetapi pandangan aku terhadap Kirana sekarang berubah , aku jadi sangat menghormatinya.
Satu malam sebelum aku berangkat ibu , kak Kirana, Bang Munir Ardi dan Rosha Istrinya ,kumpul di ruang tamu, ibu memberi aku uang dalam amplop”, Nak Ini uang untuk ongkos kamu ke Kendari dan juga ada untuk bekal selama tinggal di sana, kamu berangkat saja dan bila nanti di sana ada keperluan tambahan telpon saja , kami akan berusaha untuk mengirim uang kepadamu, uang itu hasil jerih payah ibu dan Kirana yang tak kenal lelah , saya tahu kamu agak benci dengan kakak kamu ini karena ia punya kelainan, tapi lihat hasil jerih payahnya kita sudah bisa mengumpulkan tabungan selama 2 bulan ini, jadi saya harap kamu bisa mengubah pandangan kamu terhadapnya”. “ia bu saya sekarang sangat menghormati Kak Kirana. Lalu saya jabat tangan mereka satu persatu sambil meminta maaf mulai dari ibu, Bang Munir ardi dan kak Rosha istrinya, lalu Kirana sendiri aku peluk dia sambil nangis. Sekilas kulihat airmatapun menetes di sudut matanya.
Hari itu aku menumpang bis Nirmala, lalu naik Fery menyeberang ke Kendari untuk ikut seleksi Tes SECABA, hatiku sekarang plong, meski suatu hari aku menjalin hubungan dengan seseorang , maka ia harus bisa menerima keadaan kak Kirana dan aku akan menjelaskan kenapa dia bisa sampai seperti itu, kalaupun nggak mau nerima berarti no way, lebih baik kehilangan pacar daripada kehilangan kakak aku, dan jika seseorang bertanya siapa gadis itu aku akan mengatakan dengan bangga bahwa gadis itu Kirana kakakku
Tulisan ini saya buat untuk diikutkan pada kontes blog berbagi kisah sejati yang dilaksanakan oleh Mbak Anazkia dan di sponsori oleh
We've been Flickring... and found this great image! ( By love_yellow) She's been making rye bread from Ikea. (Comes as a mix in a pack and then you add stuff.) We're going to try it next time we're home sick and go for a little bit of home comforting in Southamptons new Ikea store.
Found these two images on Flickr today ( by rubbad) and had to post them here. The leaf tray/ plate is a vintage Stig Lindberg for Gustavsberg. And the Isak cup is the first cup that we made back when we started, so I guess, in some ways our cup is a bit vintage as well! We are very flattered we're next to Stig! And aren't the graphics on the rape seed oil fab?
Saturday morning pre work. It's 6:30am and there is a new presence in my private time. Our roommate's brother "Styles" is here for the weekend. Why does everyone have a call name? Am I in the marines?
Anyhoo, Styles seems to require even less sleep than I do and as I browse blogs and sip espresso, he's out in our garden mulching. I'll be out there shortly, stumbling through the wet grass taking pictures for this post. We've had two nights of rain and the"grounds" looks green and fertile. The grass needs a mowing and is ankle high in clover. Our visitor wanted to mow as soon as he got here last night. He doesn't read Horticulture magazine so is advising weed killer. I'm a weeder not a killer, no pesticides here.
Big garden news for us is this hydrangea. It hasn't bloomed in 5 years, it was due for rezoning. Apparently it got the memo. It's loaded with pink and purple blossoms. The raspberries are ripe for the eating and our basket of strawberries is going strong.
Sunday is a day for slow roasting pork and baking beans. Monday we're off to visit our garden mentors at their farm. Happy holiday weekend to all. May all your skies be blue , your food delicious and your conversations witty.
A series of sculpture exhibits is planned in the upcoming 5 years for a rather soul-less section of New York Avenue right downtown near the White House (between 12 and 13th streets). The first artist selected for the series is Niki de Saint Phalle, best known for her Stravinsky Fountain in front of the Pompidou Center in Paris.
Her large and colorful sculptures bring a smile to the face of everyone who sees them. The expressions they evoke are of pure joy and exuberance, just what dreary downtown needs sometimes! Even while taking these pictures, I got a lot of comments on how great they were.
The sculptures are in stark contrast to much of the art that is featured throughout the city: overwhelmingly traditional and much of it very staid and seriously themed.
The purpose of the exhibit is to bring the museum into the streets and the community. I think it will also bring some attention to NMWA which I have to admit I've never visited, despite living a mere 3 blocks away!
Saint Phalle liked to challenge the notion of what fine art is, and these pieces are no exception. Whimsical yet still monumental, I would imagine a lot of people enjoy these pieces a lot more than they would a trip to their local museum (or so they would think). Art is to be enjoyed, and these are undoubtably joyful!
They celebrate women, children, cultural diversity and love. I think we can all get behind those subjects. Every 1 to 3 years, the installation will be changed out, but I hope this one remains longer rather than not. Even the signage for Saint Phalle is fun!Do you have a favorite local statue or exhibit to bring a smile to your face everyday? I would love to hear about it!
New model homes are freshly decorated and ready for your visit at One Main Street in downtown Bellevue. The model home tour includes eight model homes with new pricing including these:
Model Home 203 has one bedroom, one full bathroom and a powder room, with 791 square feet, priced at $389,900.
This home also features a large private balcony, a grand kitchen with slab limestone countertops, and a lavishly appointed master bath with huge walk-in shower.
Model Home 210 is a City Suite with three-quarter bath and 662 square feet, priced at $369,900.
This efficient space is perfect for a first home or pied a'terre. The living space is inviting and elegant, and the extra finished room with closets is a perfect space to convert easily from bedroom to den/office and back again.
Model Home 403 has one bedroom, one full bathroom and a powder room with 804 square feet, priced at $419,900.
This north-facing home has an inviting living space opening to an entertainment-sized deck. The elegant master suite has a walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom wtih large tiled walk-in shower.
These three homes plus five others are furnished and ready for your tour and purchase this weekend as our Model Home Tour kicks off. Visit One Main Street today, open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 10000 Main Street on the walkable, livable west side of Downtown Bellevue - about which one homeowner says, "I love having people over and strolling to restaurants, or just going and grabbing a cup of coffee."
New model homes are freshly decorated and ready for your visit at One Main Street in downtown Bellevue. The model home tour includes eight model homes with new pricing including these:
Model Home 203 has one bedroom, one full bathroom and a powder room, with 791 square feet, priced at $389,900.
This home also features a large private balcony, a grand kitchen with slab limestone countertops, and a lavishly appointed master bath with huge walk-in shower.
Model Home 210 is a City Suite with three-quarter bath and 662 square feet, priced at $369,900.
This efficient space is perfect for a first home or pied a'terre. The living space is inviting and elegant, and the extra finished room with closets is a perfect space to convert easily from bedroom to den/office and back again.
Model Home 403 has one bedroom, one full bathroom and a powder room with 804 square feet, priced at $419,900.
This north-facing home has an inviting living space opening to an entertainment-sized deck. The elegant master suite has a walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom wtih large tiled walk-in shower.
These three homes plus five others are furnished and ready for your tour and purchase this weekend as our Model Home Tour kicks off. Visit One Main Street today, open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 10000 Main Street on the walkable, livable west side of Downtown Bellevue - about which one homeowner says, "I love having people over and strolling to restaurants, or just going and grabbing a cup of coffee."