The result was a hessian-covered, compost-filled boysenberry garden for my balcony.

Sawa and Addison turned up for DayWWOOFing (gardening work experiance) with fantasic smiles, and a Jar of Urban Honey from their last urban WWOOF hosts, Adam and Kat. After lunch we set to work.
Adison worked harvesting, turning and activating my three compost heaps, getting enough for my Autumn balcony garden re-potting.
Adison worked harvesting, turning and activating my three compost heaps, getting enough for my Autumn balcony garden re-potting.

Divide and conquer: when a task is too hard, dividing it into two tasks often works. Wiring the hessian neatly onto the black plastic required either ten hands, or some straightening up using elastic and bulldog clips.

Thank-you Sawa and Addison, I look forward to visiting your Permaculture farm in Japan one day, where I expect I will run into half the Aussie permies I know - you have lots of fans in this country, all expecting great things :)
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