Go to Google Keywords. (Google it) Type in your name (choose the' Australia' setting). That's how many people might be searching for you on the internet. Try again, with your activities and city 'eg. Angela edible gardens Melbourne'. This will show if they are keywords worth including strategicly in your blog, to get the kind of readers you want. It also generates suggestions for related keywords people are searching, that will lead them to you and your site. Or topics people need your help with, to give you ideas for posts the world needs you to write.
Its almost indecent, the way its shows in hard data how 'In Demand' your colleagues or famous people are. Its an amazing reality check, and hard to believe you participated creativley in cyberspace without it.
There are lots more tricks where that came from. 'Google Analytics' amazed me when I was shown how to use it, letting me know where I was being boring, and who wants what from me and my balcony garden blog.

Last weekend Matthew and I held another Blog creation workshop, for a new batch of creative people to get their unique good work out into the world. Exactly the kind of generative people I love hanging out with (my ulterior motive for holding workshops)
Who came?

Adam Wojcinski, teacher of Sado, Japanese Tea Ceremony. Adam has a huge task, explaining to the world that his work is only slightly like the imaginary tea parties held by little girls. Alongside martial arts like Judo and Kendo, Sado was popular amongst Samurai as a way of doing things with excellence and effectiveness in the physical world, letting that way of being seep into your spirit, and be there whenever life required.

Lovely Chiaki is making a personal blog, sharing thoughts and information on how to adapt happily to a new country.
At the next workshop, you will learn how to do things like embed videos, personalize your blog. Its easy to let your aims get fuzzy, so we help each other get clear, visually and in what our final purpose is with our blogs and our activities. We will be looking at how to put yourself in directories, and make sure the right keywords are in the right place to get you found. So many secret things you just don't know unless someone clever like matthew tells you.
Its Monday from 1.30 - 4pm, $120, part-barter accepted. E-mail Cecilia if you think you should be there.
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