Tuesday, August 31, 2010

art: just a little thought

This week has been busy gearing up for the big Labor Day Weekend. In my little corner of the world Labor Day equates to lots and lots of work because at Noble House we have our biggest sale of the year.

So while I've been buzzing around I've been thinking a lot about art. These two images have been floating around in my 'love it' file so I thought I'd share.

I really love art that tells a story. The Sargent is a classic and takes me back to my early years of wearing a uniform to school. The more contemporary one is something I love because of the muted colors and the visual drama of the situation.

Two Years Ago Today....

....I married my best friend. 


Two years ago today....

....was the most beautiful....emotional....magical......wonderful day of my life


Two years ago today....

....we stood before my brother (ordained on the internet) and said our vows 


Two years ago today....

....we were surrounded by all of the people that we love in the world (well...almost all of them)


Two years ago today....

....we danced the night away

Go MOM!!


Two years ago today....

....the weather was absolutely perfect in Bar Harbor (which is rare at this time of year)


Two years ago today....

....we smiled more than ever before (and not just for the cameras)


And two years ago today....

....we looked into each other's eyes and knew that this was the start of something AMAZING

I feel so lucky to be in this relationship; no...in this life, with my soul mate, my best friend.  You inspire me to push my limits, you encourage me to follow my dreams, you make me smile when all hope it lost, you make me laugh so hard that I double over, you make simple things seem exciting and new and you surprise me more and more every day with your love and wit and charm and intelligence.  I am the luckiest woman in the world and I don't know how I deserved that.  I'm sure I will have to pay for it in another life....

But I just wanted you to know that the last two years have been purely magical.  Through ups and downs, successes and failures, heartbreaks and joys....you were the one by my side.  And I couldn't ask for a better partner!  You are my one and only and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

Happy 2nd Anniversary, Babe!

Some more lovely press...

You got to check this beautiful blog out! Very inspiring! Thanks Sandra from www.stillestund.blogspot.com who send us the link.

Blog press

Some more wonderful blog features on the Nova wallpaper! Thank you Ellie from Mint and Diane from Notes to a further excuse!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Modern and Clean Dream Family House Design

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs
This stunning house is designed by Willa Nordic for Turo family. They created the house with using interesting materials and their combinations. It become a house of dreams for the family with great views of the lake near by. Even though it is designed in modern and clean style, natural materials makes the place cozy as inside as outside. The raw concrete alternate with natural wood everywhere in the interior and their combination looks quite interesting. The furniture is relatively simple and adds minimalist touch to the interior. Although there is everything necessary for comfortable living.

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

clean house design, modern house design, nordic house design, tidy house deisgn, willa nordic, modern home designs

Sightseeing at home

One of the great parts of having a houseguest is you see parts of your own home city that you otherwise rarely visit. This weekend I played tour guide to a friend and explored the best of what DC has to offer!
Brunch at POV overlooking the White House, formerly the Washington Hotel and a trip to the Newseum and the National Mall filled the day Sunday.
The Newseum has THE view of the Capitol building, which you can see above. However from the inside of the museum, with the Canadian Embassy in the foreground, the view is a bit......odd?
A bit of a contrast, the US Capitol building behind the Canadian flag: I thought it was funny!
Saturday was spent exploring Hillwood with the ever gracious Steven as guide (thanks again!). It was the perfect day for a walk around the gardens which always have something to surprise and delight, no matter the season. I have always loved the fountain in the parterre but never thought much of the pattern which runs along the base. Even on a (rare) cloudy day in DC, the water would sparkle as it hit the points of the pattern; ingenius detailing.
I didn't bring my camera with me, as evidenced by these pictures. I am a bit disappointed with the camera on the Droid Incredible (phone); The pictures are ok, but tend towards the blurry side. I have to remember to get out and explore the city even when I don't have the excuse of a guest in town. Hope you had a great weekend as well!

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright...

Thanks to Tiger for featuring the Nova wallpaper. Good blog for any design tips from a Stockholm perspective...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Breathe, Freak, Repeat

Good morning. I'm grasping for time here. I don't know if it's the busy week I just finished or the fact that summer is running ahead of me and I can't quite catch up. The garden is a tangle of weeds. The heat is returning after a beautiful week of open windows weather. GG goes back to school on Monday and with that goes all the lazy time spent grilling and eating and talking about what we would do if. I love "ifs". If we had the time, if we had the money.... never a question of if we have the dreams. They're always there.

But it's Sunday morning and I'm reading blogs and baking our weekly granola ration. The house smells of cinnamon and toasting nuts and grains. As busy as we were this week we each got a pedicure and the Lab hit the groomers and returned to us sporting a pink bandanna covered with red strawberries. Don't you know she felt pretty. If she could have shaken her hair around her face she would have.

And as I refill my glass of iced latte I wonder am I just over caffeinated? Is it possible all will get done in a timely fashion and the to do list in my head is just a figment of espresso?

P.S. GG just got up and said for one shining moment she smelled the cinnamon and thought I was baking a pie, then she remembered I don't. Bake pies that is. Sigh.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Light and Airy Apartment Interior Design

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs
This penthouse apartment sits atop South Yarra’s development and features amazing views of Melburne’s busy city skyline. Its interior is designed by Robert Mills Architects as light and airy as possible to highlight owner’s extensive furniture and art collection. The white surfaces and limestone floors can be found across the whole apartment, including all living, bedroom and bathroom areas. Most of storage spaces are built-in so they also don’t spoil the look and airiness of the interior. The apartment also features the rooftop garden, designed by Jack Merlo, that also features amazing views of the area.

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contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs

contemporary apartment, contemporary apartment interior, contemporary apartment interior design, penthouse apartment, penthouse interior design, robert mills architects, contemporary home designs