my morning started the way I'd like more of my mornings to start with a visit to the local art museum {UMFA} Followed by some errands and plenty of time to stew over the project I should have been at school working on. But it is still in the in between stage of rolling around in my head in a very loose unformed kinda way that should cause concern but I don't feel any of that just yet.

so I decided to do the more productive thing and play and give it a break.

I stopped at the yummiest soup kitchen downtown only to find it closed -and not just for the day or a little remodeling, gone for good.
But my story isn't a soupless one.
It actually isn't about anything at all really. Except how nice it was to pout my way back to my car only to stumble on a new to me vintage store full of treasures arranged in the dark, and all the while feel like I was more productive not working - than working. Am I disillusioned or what?

and of course, the back up soup was yummy. I read a magazine and eaves dropped shamelessly. Is lunch ever complete without someone saying, 'The police are coming for you. I know they are because I found this while I was in your dumpster.'

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