In other cities florists do arrangements for fashion designers or movie stars. Here we do them for politicians. These parties start and end early. There are massive amounts of security, dogs sniffing at your flowers and ID checking.
Last night was an exception. We did flowers for a dinner at the W Hotel honoring Hilary Clinton. The W is the old Hotel Washington revamped. We drove to it through a sea of protesting Tea Party members. I stuck my head out the window at a red light to engage in some banter, but thought better of it to my driver's relief.
The flowers were once again green, this time with a touch of white. The room was white and rather sterile with an incredible view of the city. I had to get out before the security sweep and never got to meet the guest of honor. But I was honored to do the flowers.
As we left I hopped off the elevator at the lobby level rather than continuing down to the sub basement , better pictures on this level, trust me. Nothing sterile about the lobby, loving the 4 red chandeliers.
Drove back to Arlington, once again absorbing a rather different political slant. Beautiful day for a protest I thought. We tread on no one. Their flags asked us not to.
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