Our very un-southern like weather continues here in DC. I was one of the (very) few who trudged into work today. Franklin square at 8am above.
Once I reached a 1/2 way point to Georgetown, there was no turning back! I saw the blizzard progress from flurries into 40 mph winds. Talk about exciting!
Remember my post on the interiors of the condos at
2501 Pennsylvania Avenue, things have changed! See above
It's not so much that much fresh snow is falling, but the high winds are tearing down the stacks of plowed snow and covering everything.
Above you can see one of many downed trees around the city, this one on Washington Circle.
Streets were deserted at rush hour, as you can see. I passed a few brave souls walking, but no cars!
Above you see the much beloved
Blues Alley - they'll be closed tonight!
I think I'll be calling it an early day and head back home!
Hope you are all safe and warm!
All images taken between 8 & 8:30 am on Wed. Feb. 10 before the blizzard really hit.
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