Today Soul Aperture blog is sending 1.00 to Doctors Without Borders in Haiti for every blog that lists the simple things that make their souls sing.
Let me count the ways:
Sunshine. A summer day in June. Being at home cooking during a rain
or snow storm. Windows wide open with birds singing and a breeze blowing.
Discovering a new author who has written lots of books. Rereading a favorite
book. An iced grande skim latte, especially one drunk with friends all talking a
mile a minute. Laughing at work. Working in the garden. The first
snowdrop, lily of the valley, smell of lilac, fruit tree blossoms. Taking a cool
shower after many hot hours weeding. Feeding friends and family. Being fed
by friends and family. Finding a new blog that speaks to my heart. Exercising
my heart muscles. Loving, living every moment of my life, feeling gratitude.
From the garden: ripe tomatoes, juicy raspberries, fresh basil, the first fig.
At work: a sharp knife, fresh flowers, a beautiful arrangement by a coworker.
At home: flannel sheets in the winter, cool cotton in the summer, a cup of tea, walking barefoot on clean floors.
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