Last night I attended the Elle Decor: Women In Design, a celebration of 20 years of Elle Decor and five amazing women in interior design. Among them was Charlotte Moss (who won an award!), Michelle Nussbaumer, Holly Hunt, Kelly Wearstler, and Josie Natori (who couldn't make it). It was amazingly inspiring and the panel discussion format made it a fun and interesting discussion. We were able to see each designers real personality, instead of a staged personality on a reality show (Top Design).
Margaret Russell was monitoring the discussion and she was SO gorgeous. Wearing a little black dress, four inch heels (and an ankle brace), she was graceful and so funny!

I don't know much about Michelle
Nussbaumer but from what I learned about her last night she has impeccable style and amazing design. I can't wait to learn more about her.

Charlotte Moss was so feisty and hilarious but beautiful and graceful, as always. She said she keeps a little notepad (or blue leather bound Hermes notepad!) in each purse to write down ideas as they come to her. She also has a blog
Tete a Tete that she updates every few weeks.

Wearstler was quite inspiring, actually. She has such a passion for art and design and beautiful things.

Holly Hunt is another successful entrepreneur and founder of Holly Hunt which started out as a tiny little shop in the Merchandise Mart in Chicago and how she has a huge design empire and amazing showrooms; one in the D & D!
What was the most inspiring thing for me, as a student was that all these women followed their instincts and passions. In school, there are so many rules that often times you get bogged down and inspiration is hard to come by. These women didn't live by a set of strict rules, and though they've made their fair share of mistakes, they live just by their passions. BTW most of the pictures are from Point Click Home. There is a Margaret Russell book signing October 29th at the D&D as well! I can't wait to go.
Alicia B.
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