Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! 2009: The Year of Happy
I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions. I think they're needless--don't we have enough to worry about to begin with? The usual, lose weight, go to the gym, stop smoking etc are too cliche for words and just make you feel bad and guilty if you do them (or don't depending on which one you chose). This year I'm choosing more positive resolutions--using my power for good instead of evil.
I'd like to be nicer to people, and in turn, maybe people will be nice to me and others (it's contagious, I hear). It's something I deal with in New York and it's starting to get me down. Sort of like Pay it Forward without the alcoholism and death. I was in the suburbs yesterday at the mall (I know, it sounds so 90's) but all these random people were smiling at me. Being the hardened pseudo New Yorker that I am, I was surprised but also, I smiled back.
It was a nice feeling.
It was a nice feeling.
Another one is to cut out the clutter. You know, keep it cleaner. As Emily at Square One Organization says, it takes the same amount of time to put something in the wrong place as it takes to put it in the right place. Organizing for me is really fun, especially when I have the time. I love receiving Martha Stewart's Organizational Tip of the Day, too.
My older sister says that she'd like to read more. That's another good one and I wholly approve of improving one's mind as a New Years Ressie. Reading is also a good way to relax. It's much easier and more mindless to just sit down with the remote and flip the channels, but I always feel better after I've read. It doesn't necessarily need to be a book, could be the newspaper too. Thanks, you passed the test.
Figueres Mansion take by ME. Is this where I'll be living? Perhaps.

Design-wise, I will be moving at the end of February into my own apartment, so one of mine will be to design my own space as best I can. I think it will be a fun fun project and THOUGH I'll be missing my roommate like crazy, it will be a new experience that I'm looking forward to. Picking out my color scheme (I've already thought about it), possible new furniture, fun decorative accents, and space planning will be some of the challenges as I'm sure I'll be moving into a shoebox with a side of kitchen and a dash of bathroom.
Well, it looks like I've got my work cut out for me for 2009, but I remain upbeat about it! I think 2009 should be the year of getting back to basics, cut out the greed, the meanness, and just be happy and nice. Am I living in a dream world? I don't care. What are your resolutions?
Happy New Year!
Alicia B.
eddie ross,
new years,
new years resolutions,
square one organiztion,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thank you, PVE!
A Break From Squares: The Octagon
As promised from my last post, here is a smattering of octagonal and one oval room. I love it as an architectural moment. For some reason I like it better than a circle; it's more organized and concrete as a shape. It's a sweet sort of room and can be used in a romantic sort of way; breakfast room, foyer, or sun room.

Alicia B.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Please forgive me for my self imposed break from blogging. I've been spending quality time with my sisters and parents and catching up with my old friends from high school. Really, it's been wonderful. Lots of time to relax, read, clean, and generally be me! I'll pretty much be back until New Years so I apologize for that in advance.
Isn't this breakfast room above so lovely looking? The gorgeous hardwood floors, the beautiful antique furniture and the fresh drapery in the windows. This breakfast room is in California and was designed by a fave of mine, Michael Smith. I especially love that this room is octagonal. Perfect symmetry is somewhat off-putting in a room, but this really works. Thoughts? Do I smell inspiration for a blog? I THINK SO!
Alicia B.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
edible christmas tree
Every Year I think up some alternative to a plastic or a cut-down tree, but this year my housemate beat me to it.
Hiromi is one of those furtive midnight cooks, and when I woke up, this is what she had concocted. Delicious spicy cookies, Boontje decoration, rosemary from grandma Monica's garden, and a left-over plastic orchid from the christmas decoration I did for Buoyancy Foundation. Mutttree.
And who was first to munch on it? Galligher the cat.
Hiromi is one of those furtive midnight cooks, and when I woke up, this is what she had concocted. Delicious spicy cookies, Boontje decoration, rosemary from grandma Monica's garden, and a left-over plastic orchid from the christmas decoration I did for Buoyancy Foundation. Mutttree.
And who was first to munch on it? Galligher the cat.
Tree Silhouettes without the winter chill
Landsby small birchwood tray £15 and Bird big birchwood tray £25 as featured in Grand Design magazine.
ISAK - Grand Design top website

We are happy to be included with some other of our favourites including;,,, and
We also think Kevin is doing a great job promoting design in architecture!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Alicia B.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Beautiful Happy Christmas
Christmas is a time for love, peace and goodwill. However, it can be a time of stress and frustration. Here are our 10 tips for maintaining your sanity over Christmas and coming out of it feeling better, fitter and ready to embrace the New Year 2009.
1. Fresh Air. Take advantage of the kids waking up early. Let them open a present and then get the wellies on and go out for a 30min walk before breakfast. Don't let the weather be an excuse. There is no unsuitable weather, just unsuitable clothes.
2. Call someone. After breakfast, break out an old book of phone numbers and ring one of them. Family, friend, acquaitance, whoever. Don't aim to have a prolonged conversation, just give them a call, wish them Merry Christmas and let them know that you have been thinking of them and hope they are well. Then hang up and enjoy a coffee in the warm glow.
3. Do something constructive. Gather the throng together and tell them to go out and collect litter off your street for 30mins. Put gloves on provide bags and make a difference. You never know, a neighbour or two may join you.
4. Go knocking. Pick an address in your neighbourhood where you don't know the person living there. Pop round, introduce yourself and wish them a Merry Christmas. You could take over a flask of coffee, some chocolates or a card (homemade). Just a quick visit.
5. Turn off the TV. After dinner find a game and play it. Charades or Karioke are always good starters or break out a board game or a pack of cards. Grandparents vs Kids at Twister can always be entertaining!
6. Take some Time. This is the most valuable commodity over Christmas. You must take a 20min break for yourself. But it must be time for yourself. A quiet time. Time to think, consider, dream or if you can, switch off. The best medicine there is, 20 minutes of silence. Go out for a quick walk and find a bench (churches are good), sit in the car or garage. Lock yourself in the bathroom or spare room if you have one.
7. Dance. Put on your favourite music and let yourself go. Don't expect others to join in, but if you are uninhibited you will find they will. Have a bad dancing contest or a Daddy dancing contest. Act out a film or TV moment like Grease, Joseph or a Disney Classic.
8. Discuss/Question. Have a debate. Pick teams, select a subject and by the toss of a coin decide which team will be for and which team against the subject. It is a good idea to have a Chairperson to settle any points and calm any heated debates. Ask the children what they would like to debate. Subjects could be; Should children be allowed to vote? Is junk food ever good for you? Is it possible to be over-educated? Are cars a good thing? Is Father Christmas real?
9. Read. Dig out a pile of old books or get down to the library and take it in turns to read a passage from a book or a couple of verses of poetry. You can use magazines, newspapers or if you want to just talk about a topic you are interested in.

10. Tell all those you are sharing the day with that you love them. Take time during the day to approach everyone and let them know that you love them.
Don't worry if you can't do all 10 tips everyone helps a little bit. If you do manage all 10, then you will feel physically, mentally and emotionally rejuvenated. Have a wonderful Christmas time, we wish you all the Season's cheer from ISAK and an amazing New Year.

10. Tell all those you are sharing the day with that you love them. Take time during the day to approach everyone and let them know that you love them.
Don't worry if you can't do all 10 tips everyone helps a little bit. If you do manage all 10, then you will feel physically, mentally and emotionally rejuvenated. Have a wonderful Christmas time, we wish you all the Season's cheer from ISAK and an amazing New Year.
Christmas Train
This is me, on my way home for Christmas! Have safe travels, and happy times! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Alicia B.
Alicia B.
HE'S BACK: Nathan Thomas Studios

Look whom I stumbled upon! Nathan Thomas, the winner of Top Design, the show that consumed my life for a few months. I think it's clear when I say that Nathan and Eddie were my two favorites from the show. Nathan had such an edgy yet sophisticated style--plus look how cute he is! He's worked for the best in interior design; Alexandra Champalimaud and Nathan Egan. He attended Pratt Design School; which is super encouragement for those of us going to school in hopes of becoming an interior designer too!

The painting on the walls are so whimsical and then there is that giant wrench (Is that a wrench? I don't "do" tools) in the corner.
Read this adorable slash inspiring interview from The Denver Post. Also you MUST look at his website HERE. Congratulations again, Nathan!
Alicia B.
eddie ross,
nathan thomas,
nathan thomas studios,
top design
Monday, December 22, 2008
Square One Organization
Remember my friend who founded The Movementality? She's a super creative, fun and most of all in this case, organized person. She has also founded a company called Square One Organization which provides organization for every room in the house, efficient space planning, and estate clearance. Emily has tons of experience and she even helped me reorganize my closet last spring and it basically saved my life. HERE is her website. Maybe something to think about as you are plotting out your New Years resolutions!
Alicia B.
Santa came to my house
shhh dont tell my kids, but we "caught" Santa at our house. My IRL friend Kristen at WeareTHATfamily had a giveaway for this awesome company called I caught Santa. Well I WON!! So I uploaded my tree and this is what they sent back. Dumb me left the train box out in the picture so it will have to stay out till Christmas to make it believable. You must visit this website-it is just too much fun.

Alta Igloo Hotel
After my last post when I got overly excited about the snow, I started thinking about living in the snow, building snow forts, igloos etc. I found a hotel in Norway called the Alta Igloo Hotel and it's made entirely of snow and ice! The hotel apparently opens each year in January and then melts when it gets warmer in the spring. Check it out here:
The hotel has 30 rooms in it. This long corridor is so pretty and quiet looking with the small ice sconces. No ugly hotel carpeting here!
Life sized figures are placed throughout the hotel. I love the glassy looking ice chandelier hanging down into the middle of the room.
Here is the bar. You're def going to need to drink some mulled cider or something here to keep yourself warm. HERE is a Martha Stewart recipe for mulled cider. They only serve blue vodka here in ice cups.
Nothing like sitting in a chair made of ice with a reindeer pelt over it next to a fire.
Literally, nothing.

Literally, nothing.

After reading on the website, this place seems quite fun. Be sure to wear a hat when you sleep, because reindeer pelts can only keep you so warm. They also take you snow mobiling, there is a sauna and a spa, and the restaurant serves local specialties (um reindeer burger?).
Alicia B.
Alicia B.
alta igloo hotel,
mulled cider,
reindeer pelt,
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