Friday, May 11, 2007

luxury worm farm for gorgeous compost


wormfarm art by Cecilia
Possums, birds, water, all the usual wormfarm visitors.
The drawing is marker pen on photocopy paper, printed into a waterproof sticker.
Lucky worms. Loved worms.

Ladybugs at the show

Jane Davenport is on a mission to create one million Frogologists, and she just might do it.

    I offered myself up to help her out at the Melbourne Flower and garden show, hoping some of her irrepressable, generative spirit would rub off onto me. She is all those things, plus sparklingly funny, and a graceful, raunchy user and abuser of the English language. "Discombobulating".

    Photo by Jane Davenport

    My house guest Mai Shimizu came along too - the dream she is chasing is to be a photogapher of fashion and flowers, just as Jane has done. Together things went 'click'. Of course: Mai too has big dreams, endurance, ability to find and savor small pleasures and treasures , and all the typical japanese virtures. Jane knows a good thing when she sees it, and took my Mai off to the Sydney garden festival, and Mai was beaming, brimming with happiness. There is nothing lovelier to see than someone you like feeling they are getting closer to their dream. Not ladybirds, not anything. Go Mai!

Blossom photos by Mai Shimizu